
  • 『シンガポールにおける家族法・離婚法の一流エキスパートと賞賛される。』  


『シンガポールを代表する家族法・離婚法のスペシャリスト。当事務所は、法律サービスのほとんどを、誰もが利用しやすく、全て込みの料金でパッケージにしたものである。』 – ストレーツ・タイムズ紙


PKWA Lawは、わずか1390ドルからのリーズナブルな弁護士費用で、トップレベルの離婚サービスを提供しております。当事務所はシンガポール最大級の家族弁護士チームを擁しており、当事務所の家族弁護士は、ストレーツ・タイムズ、ベンチマーク・ライティゲーション、アジアン・リーガル・ビジネス、シンガポール・ビジネス・レビュー、ドイルズ・ガイドなどで、常にシンガポールを代表する離婚弁護士として紹介されています。





PKWAの離婚弁護士は、控訴審で2件の勝訴判決を得ており、そのうちの1件は、控訴裁判所 がクライアントに対して1,360万ドルの婚姻資産のうち75%を与える判決を下し、その比率は25%を上回りました。夫婦財産が25%から75%へと上昇し、当事務所のクライアントに有利となったことは、間違いなくシンガポールの離婚史上最高額のひとつです。 判決文は60ページにも及び、控訴裁判所の裁判官はこの事件を 「複雑」、「挑戦的」、「極めて異例」と表現しました。 別の控訴裁判のケースでは、夫婦財産分与に関するシンガポールの新法に基づき、元夫の取り分を増額させることに成功しました。


StraitsTimes Best Law Firms 2024
PKWA Law Practice LLC
2221 件のレビューに基づく
Singapore Family Lawyers
608 件のレビューに基づく

PKWA 法律離婚チーム著の書籍は紀伊國屋書店、ポピュラー、アマゾンでお求めいただけます。


Uncontested Divorce








PKWA Lawは30年以上の歴史があり、100人以上の従業員と共に歩んできました。老舗の家族法律事務所です。




PKWA Lawは、DBS、OCBC、UOB、Maybank、HSBC、Citibank、CPF Boardなどの一流企業から高い信頼を得ています。




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Will I be eligible to file for divorce?

What are the potential grounds for divorce?

What is the cost of divorce?

What is an uncontested divorce?

Can I get a divorce even if my spouse refuses?

How long does it take to get divorced in Singapore?

当事務所の 離婚について 弁護士をご紹介します。

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June Leow

Your law firm’s services are truly commendable. From start to finish, the professionalism, expertise, and attention to detail displayed by your team are exemplary. Your commitment to providing exceptional legal counsel and support is evident in every interaction. Clients can trust that they are in capable hands when they choose your firm, knowing that their needs will be met with diligence and excellence. Keep up the great work!

Christopher Twiss

In my hour of need, I was recommended to PKWA. Dorothy Tan LISTENED to my case and worked tirelessly over the holidays and weekends to meet impossible deadlines. A very upsetting and stressful time, but I will be forever grateful as Dorothy believed in my case and sought a fair and just resolution against insurmountable odds. At every juncture, Dorothy provided realistic, honest assessments and I proceeded based on her recommendations. If Dorothy and her team decide to champion your cause, you should consider yourself very fortunate.

Jing Lou

Words cannot express my thanks to PKWA and to Ms. Charlene Nah and Mr. Jason Mak for their kind help. My divorce case went through mediation, district court hearing and then appeal hearing. It went on for more than two years and to make the matters even more complicated, I am doing this from overseas. Charlene and Jason are there with me every step of the way, providing their professional service and also some personal touch to make the case easier for me emotionally. They are very experienced with Singapore Family Law and always have my best interest at heart. At the latter part of the district hearing and appeal hearing, I was struggling with legal fees, because the case went on much longer than I expected, due to my ex-husband's stubbornness. Charlene went out of her way to help me cope with the difficulties, even encouraged and helped me to represent myself at appeal court. The outcome is very favorable and there's no way I would be able to accomplish that without Charlene and Jason's kind help. Divorce is unfortunate and difficult in its nature, and you'd need your lawyers to have your best interest at heart at all times to overcome the difficulties. PWKA is such a law firm you can fully trust. I can't thank them enough.

Kinloong Ng

My personal experience with PKWA Law is definitely exceptionally excellent. The lawyers & legal executive really gave me genuinely good advice in resolving my case to the best outcome. My case was expediently & pragmatically resolved. I am very contented for entrusting PKWA Law with my matter. I sincerely thank you dear Sheila, Firdaus & Jin Liang for your guidance & professionalism. It is unquestionably because of you all that PKWA build up to be such a successful & reputable legal firm.

Brenda Chan

PKWA has been very professional and prompt in their service, and I want to specially commend Ms Jessica Chow and Ms Corinne Wee.

Clara Tan

I have engaged PKWA for my divorce proceedings after doing some research and I have made the right choice. My case was assigned to their lawyer, Derek Choo and legal manager, Firdaus. Derek is very thoughtful and efficient; he has explained my rights over the matrimonial home and assets. He has provided valuable guidance during mediation session. He even followed up my case and called during his reservist to discuss. Firdaus is very responsive and followed up timely in administrative works. He even helped to deliver the legal paper personally to my ex-spouse after the 1st attempt failed. Both gentlemen have gone above and beyond the call of duty to ensure things are on track. I am very satisfied with the outcome of the final judgement. Highly recommended PKWA for their excellent service.

Mongkol Kittiratanasakul

My mother and I would like to thank PKWA Law Practice for the excellent service that they have provided for us through my mother’s divorce case. They were very diligent and professional about their work and listened to everything my mother said. We would also like to thank Helen especially, Sheila, Mr Low Jin Liang and his team for their timely replies to our last-minute emails, maximum efficiency and their genuine care and concern for us, clients.

Richard Lim

I am a housing agent with Propnex Realty Pte Ltd. I want to compliment Ms Jessica Chow from PKWA Law. She was firm and steady in handling the divorce case involving my client. We would like to see more of this type of lawyer assisting in divorce cases. Thumps Up.

Segaran Ramalingam

I was in a difficult phase in my life. Jessica, Corinne and the team assured me there was a way out. I am very glad that the situation is over now. Thank you so much, I really appreciate all your hard work put in and taking your time to explain to me how the process works. I would definitely recommend PKWA.

Wendy Teo

Dorothy and team are true partners. When I first met with Dorothy, it was her empathy and professionalism that gained my trust and confidence to engage her service. Throughout the process, she and her team worked relentlessly to help me, explaining in detail the questions that I had and provided sound advice on my possible options and the potential outcome. I am very grateful for them, as they genuinely care and are there to listen; and what’s more, they are very competent, professional and approachable.

Siew Yin

During the past 6 months of this CB period, I went through lots of stress and fear for my case. Fwah Mingli listened and guided me with patience and sympathy, with help from Jessica Chow and Ms Corinne. Although they are very busy most of the time, but always responded my enquiry promptly. Today it’s finally over. I feel relief and look forward to a new life. Thank you PKWA!

Louis Goh

I engaged PKWA for my contested divorce both before and after the 3-year mark and had no regrets doing so. Their fees were transparent, which made financial planning a lot easier. I would like to especially thank Ms Charlene Nah and Mr Jason Mak for their extraordinary help during that trying period of time. Despite the circumstances, I felt that Ms Charlene was genuinely trying to help. I would definitely turn to them in future for legal advice.

Samantha Lim

Jason Mak and Charlene Nah have both been most patient and professional throughout the entire process. I could totally trust them and had the emotional support I needed to get issues sorted out, especially also going through this difficult COVID/retrenchment period. Thank you, Jason and Charlene, for being there with me, providing me with better options and directions in riding through my divorce proceedings.

Doreen T

I would like to thank our Lawyer, Ms Jessica Chow and Legal Manager, Ms Corinne Wee for their assistance in my parents’ divorce. Their advice to go for uncontested divorce settlement is greatly appreciated as we are also concerned on the legal fees if to proceed for contested divorce. Whole process is considered speedy and prompt updates were given too.Once again, on behalf of my mom, we would like to thank Ms Jessica Chow and Ms Corrine Wee for their valued advice and arrangement, thanks!



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