


“PKWA律师事务所除了提供卓越的法律服务外,还提供友好的服务且价格合理。”- 《海峡时报》

PKWA 律师事务所提供高质量的离婚服务,收费固定且合理,律师费从 1390 新元起。我们拥有新加坡最大的家事律师团队,且被《海峡时报》、《基准诉讼》、《亚洲法律事务》和《道尔指南》一致评为领先的离婚律师。


在 PKWA Law,我们的收费固定、透明且可负担得起,确保您知晓预付款且没有隐藏收费。我们对清晰、透明定价的承诺,意味着您可专注于您的未来而无需担心不可预期的法律账单。


我们为所有争议离婚和无争议离婚事项,包括两愿协议离婚提供全面服务。 这种无过失责任选项为夫妻双方友善离婚提供了平静且彼此尊重的解决方案。



  • 上诉法院最大的胜利:在一个大案中,男方高院诉讼中仅被判定1360万新元婚姻财产的25%。因对此判决结果的不满,他雇用我们家事法团队为其上诉。我们的努力为男方争取到了婚姻财产的75% – 这是从25%的显著增加 – 使这个离婚案成为了离婚史上最大的增幅之一。高院发布了长达60页的判决,将该案描述为“复杂的”、“极具挑战性的”以及“极不寻常的”案件。
  • 另一个高院上诉胜利案例:在另一起高院上诉案例中,在收到不利判决后,我们的客户找到了我们。 在此首个涉及新加坡对婚姻财产分割新法案件中,我们为客户成功辩论争取到更高的财产份额。
  • 高院胜诉:2022 年 10 月《海峡时报》报道的一起案件中,我们在高等法院成功代理了前妻的离婚案件,在该案中,前夫“全力向她隐瞒了 300 多万新元”。

  • 巨大胜利: 我们的律师为一名家庭主妇客户,在经过6年的斗争后,战胜了由一名高级辩护律师带领的5人法律团队,为客户赢得了超过600万新元财产。
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由 PKWA Law 离婚团队撰写,可在Kinokuniya, Popular 和 Amazon 上购买。

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资深律师事务所: PKWA 律师事务所拥有 30 多年的历史和 100 多名员工。


客户满意度: 卓越的评价和客户证言且在谷歌上评价高达4.9。


受到信任 PKWA 律师事务所受到领先企业的信任,包括星展银行、华侨银行、大华银行、马来亚银行、汇丰银行、花旗银行和公积金局等。

免费首次咨询: 您的首次咨询是免费的。


巨大胜利:PKWA 的离婚律师在上诉法院取得了很多胜利,其中包括一起前夫赢得了1360万新元婚姻财产中的75%,而这是从25%的比例中提高的。这在上诉历史中是迄今为止最大的增幅之一。


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了解我们的 离婚 律师

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June Leow

Your law firm’s services are truly commendable. From start to finish, the professionalism, expertise, and attention to detail displayed by your team are exemplary. Your commitment to providing exceptional legal counsel and support is evident in every interaction. Clients can trust that they are in capable hands when they choose your firm, knowing that their needs will be met with diligence and excellence. Keep up the great work!

Christopher Twiss

在我需要帮助的时候,PKWA 律师所被推荐给我。 陈萱琪听了我的案子,在假期和周末不知疲倦地工作,以满足一个几乎不可能实现的时间期限。 一段非常令人沮丧和压抑的时期,但是我永远感激萱琪坚信我的案子,并克服种种困难为我寻求公平公正的解决方案。 在每一个关键时刻,萱琪都会提供真实,诚实的评估,我并根据她的建议进行操作。 如果萱琪和她的团队决定支持您的案子,您应该认为自己是非常幸运的。

Jing Lou

Words cannot express my thanks to PKWA and to Ms. Charlene Nah and Mr. Jason Mak for their kind help. My divorce case went through mediation, district court hearing and then appeal hearing. It went on for more than two years and to make the matters even more complicated, I am doing this from overseas. Charlene and Jason are there with me every step of the way, providing their professional service and also some personal touch to make the case easier for me emotionally. They are very experienced with Singapore Family Law and always have my best interest at heart. At the latter part of the district hearing and appeal hearing, I was struggling with legal fees, because the case went on much longer than I expected, due to my ex-husband's stubbornness. Charlene went out of her way to help me cope with the difficulties, even encouraged and helped me to represent myself at appeal court. The outcome is very favorable and there's no way I would be able to accomplish that without Charlene and Jason's kind help. Divorce is unfortunate and difficult in its nature, and you'd need your lawyers to have your best interest at heart at all times to overcome the difficulties. PWKA is such a law firm you can fully trust. I can't thank them enough.

Kinloong Ng

My personal experience with PKWA Law is definitely exceptionally excellent. The lawyers & legal executive really gave me genuinely good advice in resolving my case to the best outcome. My case was expediently & pragmatically resolved. I am very contented for entrusting PKWA Law with my matter. I sincerely thank you dear Sheila, Firdaus & Jin Liang for your guidance & professionalism. It is unquestionably because of you all that PKWA build up to be such a successful & reputable legal firm.

Brenda Chan

PKWA has been very professional and prompt in their service, and I want to specially commend Ms Jessica Chow and Ms Corinne Wee.

Clara Tan

I have engaged PKWA for my divorce proceedings after doing some research and I have made the right choice. My case was assigned to their lawyer, Derek Choo and legal manager, Firdaus. Derek is very thoughtful and efficient; he has explained my rights over the matrimonial home and assets. He has provided valuable guidance during mediation session. He even followed up my case and called during his reservist to discuss. Firdaus is very responsive and followed up timely in administrative works. He even helped to deliver the legal paper personally to my ex-spouse after the 1st attempt failed. Both gentlemen have gone above and beyond the call of duty to ensure things are on track. I am very satisfied with the outcome of the final judgement. Highly recommended PKWA for their excellent service.

Mongkol Kittiratanasakul

My mother and I would like to thank PKWA Law Practice for the excellent service that they have provided for us through my mother’s divorce case. They were very diligent and professional about their work and listened to everything my mother said. We would also like to thank Helen especially, Sheila, Mr Low Jin Liang and his team for their timely replies to our last-minute emails, maximum efficiency and their genuine care and concern for us, clients.

Richard Lim

I am a housing agent with Propnex Realty Pte Ltd. I want to compliment Ms Jessica Chow from PKWA Law. She was firm and steady in handling the divorce case involving my client. We would like to see more of this type of lawyer assisting in divorce cases. Thumps Up.

Segaran Ramalingam

I was in a difficult phase in my life. Jessica, Corinne and the team assured me there was a way out. I am very glad that the situation is over now. Thank you so much, I really appreciate all your hard work put in and taking your time to explain to me how the process works. I would definitely recommend PKWA.

Wendy Teo

Dorothy and team are true partners. When I first met with Dorothy, it was her empathy and professionalism that gained my trust and confidence to engage her service. Throughout the process, she and her team worked relentlessly to help me, explaining in detail the questions that I had and provided sound advice on my possible options and the potential outcome. I am very grateful for them, as they genuinely care and are there to listen; and what’s more, they are very competent, professional and approachable.

Siew Yin

During the past 6 months of this CB period, I went through lots of stress and fear for my case. Fwah Mingli listened and guided me with patience and sympathy, with help from Jessica Chow and Ms Corinne. Although they are very busy most of the time, but always responded my enquiry promptly. Today it’s finally over. I feel relief and look forward to a new life. Thank you PKWA!

Louis Goh

I engaged PKWA for my contested divorce both before and after the 3-year mark and had no regrets doing so. Their fees were transparent, which made financial planning a lot easier. I would like to especially thank Ms Charlene Nah and Mr Jason Mak for their extraordinary help during that trying period of time. Despite the circumstances, I felt that Ms Charlene was genuinely trying to help. I would definitely turn to them in future for legal advice.

Samantha Lim

Jason Mak and Charlene Nah have both been most patient and professional throughout the entire process. I could totally trust them and had the emotional support I needed to get issues sorted out, especially also going through this difficult COVID/retrenchment period. Thank you, Jason and Charlene, for being there with me, providing me with better options and directions in riding through my divorce proceedings.

Doreen T

I would like to thank our Lawyer, Ms Jessica Chow and Legal Manager, Ms Corinne Wee for their assistance in my parents’ divorce. Their advice to go for uncontested divorce settlement is greatly appreciated as we are also concerned on the legal fees if to proceed for contested divorce. Whole process is considered speedy and prompt updates were given too.Once again, on behalf of my mom, we would like to thank Ms Jessica Chow and Ms Corrine Wee for their valued advice and arrangement, thanks!




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