Divorce Rate in Singapore [Newly Updated]
Divorces and Annulments
Singapore observed 6,849 divorces in 2023 according to official data sources, this was down 1% compared to 2022. The number of marriage annulments however reversed its downward trend, climbing by 45% to 269. When looking at the total number of divorces and annulments combined, 2023 showed a slight rise to 7,118 compared to 7,107 in 2022.
Looking more closely at the 2023 data highlights that the total number of divorces were largely down due to a 20% reduction in Muslim divorces. Civil divorces however rose by 4.2% in 2023 when compared to 2022.
- Civil divorces rose from 5,417 in 2022 to 5,649 in 2023 an increase of 4.2%.
- Muslim divorces in particular saw a significant decline with 1,200 in 2023 compared to 1,505 in 2022 a 20% reduction.
In 2022 we observed a record high of 29,389 marriages partly as a result of loosening COVID-19 restrictions. Perhaps unsurprisingly 2023 data showed a slowdown with 28,310 marriages, a reduction of 3.6%.
Median Age of Divorcees
The median age for males under civil divorce remain stable in 2023 compared to 2022 at 45.3 years of age. It rose slightly for females under civil divorce from 41.1 to 41.3 years of age.
For those divorcing under the Muslim Law Act there was a general reduction in the median age for both males and females. The median age for males was 39.9 years down from 40.6 years in 2022. The median age for females fell from 38 in 2022 to 37.8 in 2023.
Duration Of Marriage
For divorced couples, the median duration of the marriage declined from 11.8 years in 2022 to 11.6 years in 2023 for civil divorces.
For those divorcing under the Muslim Law Act the median duration of the marriage rose slightly from 8.1 years in 2022 to 8.2 years in 2023. This is perhaps not unsurprising given the significant 20% reduction in Muslim divorces in 2023 compared to 2022.
Considering divorce? get in touch with our dedicated divorce lawyers for a free consultation.
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